Differences between F-150 and SuperDuty (F-250/F-350+) Trucks During Install

SuperDuty Trucks (F-250/F-350+) have a few differences compared to F-150s when installing our anti-theft / security kits. These are summarized below:

  • The striker on SuperDuty's may be a T40 size instead of a T50, depending on the year.
  • The fit between the inside of the tailgate and the LatchGuardTM is tighter on F-250's/F350's than on F-150's. This is especially true on 2023 and newer SuperDuty trucks where a raised bump sits just inside the latch opening. If the tailgate hits/rubs against the LatchGuardTM after closing, you can slightly open the bend angle of the LatchGuardTM by pushing on it (from the back of the truck toward the front) to gain clearance. The fit between the LatchGuardTM and the tailgate should be close as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. LatchGuard/Tailgate Fit

  • SuperDuty trucks may not have the hole in the access cover that F-150's have. This has been verified on 2023 and newer models; we are uncertain if the hole exists on pre-2023 models. If the hole is there fill it with the provided bolt; if the hole is not there, please recycle/discard the un-needed bolt. See Figure 2.

Figure 2. Tailgate Access Cover - F-150 Shown

  • SuperDuty trucks may not have the access holes inside the tailgate access cover (red arrows in Figure 3) that are used in the installation video to install the tailgate handle/camera security nuts. This makes installation slightly more difficult. It is possible to use a box end wrench on the snake bite security driver to tighten the nuts into place, rather than accessing through the tailgate with a nut driver as shown in the video. The security nuts in question are shown in Figure 4.

Figure 3. Inside Tailgate Access Cover - F-150 Shown. Holes May Not be Present on SuperDuty


Figure 4. Security Nuts for Handle/Camera

  • On some trims/options of SuperDuty trucks, the wiring many need to be relocated and restrained using a zip tie, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Wiring Relocation - Depends on Trim/Option of Vehicle

  • 2023 and newer SuperDuty trucks have a PowerClose tailgate option on top end trims. In order to save cost, Ford uses the same tailgate form factor on all trims. The motor access cover is present on all trims, although the motor is only present with the PowerClose tailgate option. The motor access cover is shown in Figure 6 and does not need security fasteners (i.e., opening cover doesn't allow access to tailgate mechanisms).

Figure 6. PowerClose Tailgate Motor Cover - Present on All 2023+ SuperDuty Trucks

Customer Install on F-250